Hello, I'm Natalie - Welcome To My Travel Blog

Launched in early 2017, this blog is for anyone with an interest in the world of travel, photography, and adventure. I have an epic passion for travel and exploration and wanted to start a blog to create a collection of my own travel memories to share with my family, friends and other budding travellers. Hopefully my blog will keep you entertained, provide an insight in to some amazing places I’ve been lucky enough to visit, and possibly even help you plan your next adventure - go on, get planning!

So where did this all begin? Back in 2005 I was made redundant from my job and decided to hit the road and go travelling. It transpired that a mutual friend of mine was also going travelling and so we got in touch and soon found out that we had the exact same plans in mind. Fast forward three months later and off we went backpacking on an around-the-world trip that changed my world forever. Over the course of a year we travelled through Asia, Australia, New Zealand, the South Pacific’s, Canada and America. Little did I realise back then I would still be craving the buzz I get from discovering a new city, learning about a new culture, and meeting new people all these years later.

Due to my diminutive height (5ft tall), and my passion for travel, my boyfriend suggested the comedy blog name of ‘ The Pintsize Explorer’ – and here we are! I live and work in London, the center of the universe some might say, yet ironically I dream of being as far away as possible. I always say I don't appreciate what's on my doorstep, so I've made a new years resolution to get to know my home town that little bit better! I'm a self confessed chatterbox and LOVE telling a good story or two. I love photography, animals and all things chocolate related. Esp malteasers. Mmmm, malteasers. I live by the motto of always 'having that next trip planned’ - with so much of the world to see, why wait?

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram as I share my own personal photos of my travels – go on, join the club!

Hope you enjoy the site and thanks for taking the time to stop by x

  • I am a Sagittarius; generous, idealistic with great sense of humour!
  • One day I WILL own a Cocker Spaniel named Jasper
  • I’m terrified of heights, yet completed a sky dive!
  • I once kissed Harold Bishop (on the cheek that is)
  • Sweet or salty - SALTY!
  • I have a collection of over 130 shot glasses from around the world
  • My drink of choice has to be a rum cocktail
  • The Cook Islands & Fiji are easily my favourites countries visited
  • I would love to learn Italian
  • Next on my bucket list – Sri Lanka, Guatemala, Iceland, & Patagonia



Visited Worldwide



Travelling Experience